Ok damn I cant sleep once again, the time now is 3:13am and I'm like 5 hours plus away from my next lesson.. -.- Damn man shouldn't have taken that nap just now in the afternoon and then waking up around 10pm+.. -.-
I realised that sometimes, people whom I am not close with even know a little about me, which could be quite uncomfortable when they suddenly come up to you and say "Hey, you like *that person* right!?", what the kuan!!?? How did they even know that sia!? Creepy..
Well, recently I realised also, that there's always been a slight misconception between being "flirt", and being "friendly with the opposite gender", sometimes it does get really irritating because some of us didnt even mean to act or look like a flirt. Here's what I think, men and women are equal, if you can joke around with guys, why cant you do the same with the girls without being called a flirt? Weird huhh.. Humans.
Well, by now you probably realise that this post is another one of those "ranting" posts filled with bullshit about what sometimes goes into ADP's head. (not that anyone reads this shit though, but I'll just pretend someone does so it wont look as if I'm talking to myself.)
Poly life's been fuckin tiring, first week of year 2 and I'm already starting to dread school, probbaly going to get some shit done with botak with our CMSK which is due on week 3. Darn, I got a feeling that this group is frickin lazy and I'll probably get screwed if I dont work hard enough.. Arghh..
Time check, 3:25, alright, time try hitting the sack once more, cya my non-existant readers!
Adp from the future here! Omg I'm so tanned. Anyway I was right in the end the group wouldn't get anything done until I told them to, which was fine I guess? It's almost the same thing now in uni as it was back in poly except for one of my group which had a fairly bossy leader. Hope I can survive the upcoming semester and get my degree without much issues! (ADP, 20 FEB 2016)