Ok the picture above has nothing to do with the post at all. :/
Alot has happened in this 1.5 years since I've stepped into poly, I've met assholes, crazy fuckers, hot chicks, power-hungry diplomats, backstabbing homos, jealous pricks, cool kids, generous fatties..
But most of all, I've met YOU! YOU are the person I would like to thank in this post. For you have made a change in my life and if you're in the list below, you're probably held in rather high regard. ;)
Are you nervous? Are you nervous yet if your name's on this list? Aw fuck you probably aint cos no one reads this blog anyway.
First on the hall of fame is...
You have a fucked up chinese name clown. But aside from that you're a really frickin cool person, whether you know it or not, you're the person I respect the most throughout the whole school, and you didnt even do much to attain this 'level' you just happen to 'be yourself' and that's cool enough for me! Sharing the things you have and never asking for anything in return, lending me your ear when I need you and always being there for me, if I was a warrior, you'd be my frickin weapon cos you're a motherfucking cool dude that I know I can depend on whenever and whereever. It doesnt matter if you're able to help me out or not, your generosity shows all. Thank you for always helping me out when I need you and sharing man. Brother, you rock! If only girls would see through that ahbeng exterior of yours you'd be a frickin pimp daddy! Good luck growing your fringe clown!
Well I really didnt know you were such a cool dude at the start, you didnt really catch my eye when I first met you at TBC, I still remember at that time I just wanted to hang out and screw around blah blah blah, until when you joked with me at some game during the camp and slowly slowly, bam! you're a cool mofo man! You got the funniest jokes and you're one of the most steady person I have met in IIT, no wait make that TP since I dont know much people there anyway. Good luck with that girl man! She feels you're too good for her and I think so too, but ah fuck that, you're a cool guy and you deserve every inch of her. ;)
This chubby ol chum of mine. Well what can I say, you're the first few person I met at school.(Make that day one.) And yeah, I never expected to become bros with you man! Your first impression to me was that you're a dangerous dude who would probably bully people around the school and like walk about sapalak and I'd probably not like that. But hey, thinking back now you're quite the cool guy too! We've been through quite a bit thinking back now, giving each other advice and you giving me those "tips", they'll come in handy soon man! Last long with carrot! All those effort aren't wasted I tell ya! Fucking get married or i'll kick yo ass!
LOL I had to go back to facebook to make sure that I got your name correct, sorry ah bang, always call you zul for short mah. I owe you alot from the beginning man, thinking back, I kinda already know you when I was in secondary school, cept that I dont know who you are, and my bad for making fun of you that time cos well.. You were really kinda entertaining. Thank you for always being there for me when I need you depite having to much shit to handle for youself. It sucks being you and I always feel that I dont do enough to make it up to you at times.. I'm sorry bro, I wish i was more competent, thank you for not looking down on me and always guiding me when I need you, I wish I had a real brother like you sometimes, really happy to have you in my life.
Okay that's enough of my brothers in IIT school. Now to move on to the ladies, sad to say I have only one lady I would call my "sister" here, but still, there's still another one here in this is list which is worth mentioning!
Haha, this crazy girl is another one of those which I'd never expect to be so close to when I first stepped into TP. You looked like those basketball girls or sth, turns out you're awesome at table tennis instead huh! Well at least I'm not totally wrong. You're a really cool kid you know? :) Take good care of yourself la! Thin like a bamboo liao still always wanna lose weight, thank you for always showing concern to me! And being there for me even at my most un-man times! You're a frickin sweet girl and you WILL DEFINATELY end up with someone equally sweet and caring with you someday! Just dont forget this bro ah! When I need a shoulder you dont go tian mi mi with your future boyf and forget me hor! YOU ROCK! :D
HAHAHAHAHA I'm sure people who know me well probably will expect her name in this list, well this is a special species seriously, she made me realise to many things, what a girl needs and how I should start acting like. Met her around the same time as Adam, you look like a malay you bimbo triangle! :D I'm happy that I always manage to make you laugh at least once when I meet you or on the phone, dont have one time you never meet me you never laugh one right? :) Or maybe its cos you're the kind that laughs easily ah.. :/ You're my motivation to study hard you know? You are excellent in planning you time. TEACH ME LEH!3>
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ADP from the future here, while poly is pretty interesting and you're thankful that you've meet a ton of awesome people, there are also people that you realize were fake from the start, and that you never mattered to them in the first place. But that's how the world is right? Because the truth is they kinda never mattered to you either. (ADP 18/12/17)