Sunday, March 15, 2020

I love animals more now

Through my employment at Monster Image i realize I've learnt how to love animals a lot more now, which is a great thing. The sucky thing is now whenever i come across a sad post about animal cruelty and similar content, i can literally feel my heart aching.

It sucks to feel stuff.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Damn no mood la

Slept at a pretty regular hour as usual but i woke up dreading to go work. Perhaps its because of the countless amount of stuff i gotta finish up with today like emailed several flights to either cancel/reschedule them, maybe film a new ad, and edit some podcasts. I find myself just sitting at the toilet, not wishing to move. Damn i rly need to go get ready soon before I'm late.

I think i need a few days away from work, i love my job, nothing really went wrong there, but I just want to rest. Fuck this covid-19.

Finally done with uploading almost all of the nonsense vids from my phone here ahah!