Saturday, January 1, 2022

My new years resolution is to change my phone

 Because my phone nowadays is essentially a brick at times due to it not having any service from time to time, I'm now stuck here jotting down my shitty experience with my shitty phone.

A few months back in March, I made the stupid decision to get a phone off the internet, and only 6 short months later I'm paying the price for it, my mobile data has been going on and off for whenever my "phone" feels like it.

Upon a few weeks of getting this new phone, the fingerprint unlock service just mysteriously became unable to use after an update, I should've taken it as a sign then.

Finally changing it at Junda's shop soon tho, guess all is well. :)

Mum took this photo of me a few hours back, she's rly sweet.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021


 There's blood in my mucus today, this happens sometimes but I am still quite concerned.. I have drank enough water and I was eating relatively clean. Perhaps I've over smoked?

I hate how as we get older our body starts breaking down little by little, having just recovered from food poisoning I was bedridden for 2 days, spending my day just shitting and sleeping away, I'm not as "ok" as I used to be..

Photo dump from a year ago, I think we were celebrating my colleague Roz's birthday.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Dealing with someone who believed they're above everyone else

Lying to yourself that you are better than others, and refusing to see blatant truths is really pathetic. No one is perfect, but giving "advice" when you actually seek to serve your own weird agenda is manipulative af and it makes you look like an even bigger loser when people see it clearly. It's an ugly world we live in. You're ugly inside and out.

I've also come to realize that anger is really infectious, if someone is living a shitty life, they sometimes cope by belittling others in hopes to elevate themselves. Maybe there's no need for me to be that kind anymore, afterall bad deeds seem to often go unpunished nowadays.

I think the least I can do is to try not to be too much of a people pleaser anymore and just disengage immediately from any future situations that are similar, no matter how "off-character" it might seem. 

Yeah, this post is a little cryptic, kinda made it that way though. Till next time!

Dumping a photo here cos I lost my Twitter password.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

December update

 Life has been pretty good lately, sweet home (a webcomic that I read online) is available on Netflix so that's pretty great.

Apart from that, I think I need to work on myself more. In every aspect. 

I'm sleepy now. Goodnight world!

Catcat, I miss you so, thanks for being brave and always loving us.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Bad first quarter.

I'm tired, my office cat is dying. Covid isn't getting any better and everyone in the office is busy n stressed as fuck and i don't have enough time to spend with my family n friends. Im coughing up blood in the morning (prolly not covid) at times. Maybe this is how my story frickin ends.

Well, even if it ends, its probably not gonna be significant anyway. Ive long made my peace with that.

I just want to sleep for a long time and not wake up for a while. But i gotta hold on for a little while longer, at least for now.

Peace out homos. I miss being young n stupid n brave.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

I love animals more now

Through my employment at Monster Image i realize I've learnt how to love animals a lot more now, which is a great thing. The sucky thing is now whenever i come across a sad post about animal cruelty and similar content, i can literally feel my heart aching.

It sucks to feel stuff.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Damn no mood la

Slept at a pretty regular hour as usual but i woke up dreading to go work. Perhaps its because of the countless amount of stuff i gotta finish up with today like emailed several flights to either cancel/reschedule them, maybe film a new ad, and edit some podcasts. I find myself just sitting at the toilet, not wishing to move. Damn i rly need to go get ready soon before I'm late.

I think i need a few days away from work, i love my job, nothing really went wrong there, but I just want to rest. Fuck this covid-19.

Finally done with uploading almost all of the nonsense vids from my phone here ahah!