Saturday, January 1, 2022

My new years resolution is to change my phone

 Because my phone nowadays is essentially a brick at times due to it not having any service from time to time, I'm now stuck here jotting down my shitty experience with my shitty phone.

A few months back in March, I made the stupid decision to get a phone off the internet, and only 6 short months later I'm paying the price for it, my mobile data has been going on and off for whenever my "phone" feels like it.

Upon a few weeks of getting this new phone, the fingerprint unlock service just mysteriously became unable to use after an update, I should've taken it as a sign then.

Finally changing it at Junda's shop soon tho, guess all is well. :)

Mum took this photo of me a few hours back, she's rly sweet.

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