Thursday, January 22, 2009

Look back into the past

I looked at Cecilia's online photo gallery thingy. =DD

I caught a glimpse on how I was last time. Ahaha, no comments. =p

I saw WeiJi, JunLe, Lovell. Lovell was actually in one of the E18 pics! Cool man. He looked kinda good back then, still kinda good now la! =DD

Now that I think back, last time I kept dragging people into church, cos I really thought it was a good place. The atmostphere everything. It makes you a better person. Sincerely sincerely I thought, whoa, yuan lai christains ye you zhe me hao de? Ke yi guo de zhe me kai xin. =)) I think I kinda like that place. Yeah, I did.

It was cool man! All the things I did with them, everytime I brought a friend in to church, they finally wanting to accompany me. I was like.. happy. Still remember the pool thing about Lovell and me what challenge challenge bet bet then in the end he come and join me for church. Man! That was truly a good testimonial man! I was kinda proud to bring Lovell into church at that time. Yeah, really proud of him and happy. Honest. Then finally at FOP, he wanted to become a christain. Wow, sincerely I was damn happy then! After that me him and Junle went down there and jump jump jump! Wow!

I wish times like that would last forever in a sense, but I guess I'm just plain unlucky huh? After awhile, stuff happened, lots of stuff, affecting me friends and all. I stayed strong, the only reason was cos all those stuff that happened soonafter wasnt directly affecting ME. So who was I to console them anyway now that I think about it. That time, Everyone had their own point of view and "motives". Like the story of A, B, C and whatever. Was I boy E or something?

That aside, soon things turned for a worse, I fell in love with someone there. No one believed it was true love i think.. Everyone was against it, even those that I really respected wasnt for it either. Maybe I was selfish. But at that point of time, I felt really betrayed. Honestly, sincerely betrayed. That person was willing to "break" us up because she felt that betraying the parent's trust is the wrong thing to do. I cant blame her for thinking like that. I sincerely cannot. After all, the girl I liked was someone who had great "productivity" in the cellgroup, if her parents didnt let her come to church, the cellgroup's attendence and fruitfulness would definately drop. In order to not let that happen, they wanted us to break up. Instead of protecting us from the people against our relationship. They teamed up with them. I felt betrayed, really really betrayed. In the end, I left the place. And I think they must have felt that I was the one who betrayed them huh? Doesnt matter anymore, I wanted out, I wanna get out of that place immediately, I couldnt take it anymore. I dont wanna stay in a place like that. I wanna leave.

Then lots of other stuff happened in the same time, I guess that only made the people hate me even more. Doesnt matter, Like I told Cyril, I'm forever the "villian" I believe to a certain extent, at the end of the day, Cyril also kinda felt that I was responsible for all the "chaos" that was happening around. I cant blame him either. It is afterall, kind of my fault.

Is it so wrong to love someone? Why meddle in things you could leave alone when you can spare us both the misery? At the end of the day, ADP's the devil once more. Doesnt really matter now anyway. All good things come to an end. At least for the case of my "christain" adventure. That was the end of the story. Of course, theres alot more to all of these "conflicts" but bringing them all up again would be bad. Cos what I'm trying to do here is not to blame anyone. But to just express out how I truly feel as I am typing this post.

One day perhaps you people would know more about something else that has happened while I left, but it doesnt really matter now, since I already left, theres nothing to do. Afterall, ADP will always be the villian in your hearts. A long-ago prediction I made to Cyril. See? Honestly Cyril, I know you kinda hold me responsible for those stuff. I know you do. Even if you dont, its not important anymore. Just ask yourself deep down inside if you have really blamed me for all that has happened. You dont need to give me an answer, I'm not expecting one either. Just telling you that..

I told you so, I'll forever be the villian. =)

(Note: This is all ADP's point of view, dont need to comment on anything. I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone, its just a memory of mine that I FEEL like typing out right now. So read already, shut up, dont give comments that are unnessary okay?)

Ahh E18.  What a distant memory.. I wonder how is Cecilia doing right now and if she holds any grudges towards me. Thinking back I was kinda charismatic huh! Being able to convince people I never thought I would to go to places I never thought they'd go. I guess god did kinda lend a helping hand? Beliefs are good if they make you a better person man. But they can be really bad if you go to the extreme like these tragedies happening everywhere in the year 2015. But whoa, my English was pretty good back then huh! My standard has significantly dropped sigh.. Stupid Singaporean influence. Shouldve just stayed a recluse I'd probably be a JC grad by the time I enlist :/ (9/1/15)

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I found a new rival!! Mwahahaha!!!

Damn excited now, i feel that the world is so damn big la, strong people appearing one after another, then i can keep improving and improving!! =DD

Muzakir is still as tough as ever though.. He says I'm stronger than him but i think hes still stronger. hehe!!!

Wonder if tomorrow will learn what sia..

Ahaha I was really passionate about martial arts back then huh! Wish I could still take it up now. Too bad. Busy earning money and studying and trying to be as adult as possible sighh.. ;( (9/1/15)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hello peeps!

Busy with MuayThai, Runescape, and writing stories nowadays. =DD

Yeah, I'm making a story with Hyder, when its done I'll show it to you guys k? =))


A note from the future: Whoa I don't even know how this pic appeared in my phone but imma just use it for my post today k? :) Haha, in the end the story Hyder and I made was never truly completed. And now that I read it back it was probably because we introduced too many characters into the story at the beginning and there's no real protagonist :/ Took up MuayThai for 2 months back then and I kinda enjoyed it till the day my grandma passed away? Just stopped after that yknow :/ I'll always the Runescape days I had though! Those were really fun times and I even had a little clan of my own back then and I'd record names of my members in an exercise book. The culture back in Runescape was good as well as everyone spoke perfect english and the only way to converse with them is to do the same. Imagine my shock when I went to play Maplestory after I entered secondary school 😅 (ADP, 30th July 2014)

Monday, January 5, 2009

This blog aint dead!!

*kill all the termites*
*wash off all the moulds*

Sorry people, so longer never update.. >.< Ermm.. Life's been good to me, I'm getting my results soon le! =D Just dont know when only. -.- Some tell me its on the 9th jan, or on the 12th jan.. Dammit la, if my results suck then i cannot even enjoy my chinese new year can? -.-

Ohwells.. Tomorrow got MuayThai!! =DD YEAHYEAH!!! Mel and Ali's gonna come look at us train also!! =DD Hope they see liao then also wan join mwahaha!! =DD
