Tuesday, February 2, 2010

All that I'm after is a life full of laughter, as long as I'm laughing with you~

Back again to post, currently waiting for Adam to get done over his dont know what stuff before we can begin viwawa-ing.

Life's been fairly good~ Got my MOS movie done filming and now I'm left with ANP, MMP1, and NMT! =DD Looks like alot right? Dont worry ah dont worry, very fast can finish one. :)

Sean once told me long ago, "Eh DP, ever wondered what if one day, whatever you say or do, you wont be able to make that girl smile or laugh?". Wow, funny why I would suddenly remember this line huh..

When you see the girl you like laughing at your friends' jokes, dont you feel a little shag? Sucky feeling isn't it? Nowadays I'm afraid that I would sudddenly just run out of "bullshit" to talk about. Because that would me that I'm not interesting anymore, and would probably also mean that it would be harder for us to talk from now on.

Okay peeps I know I'm not making any sense in my post, but hey, this is MY blog! =D

Damn man, I type so long liao those pbks still havent got done with their stuff yet. -.- I think I'll go ask Melvin for a 1 on 1 taiti first, ciaos! =D

Adp from the future here, the lady in the picture is Lam's ex, Maggie :) Oh man viwawa was so popular back in those days hahaha! It will indeed be a scary day if the girl I love won't be able to smile uh. Thank god Im fairly funny haha at least I'm over the part where I'm afraid to run outta bullshit! Still good friends with mel till this day tho! He owes me 104 bucks haha (20/2/2015)

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