So I have been rereading my old blog posts and writing comments on them like they're "letters from the future". But what would I truly tell my younger self if I could write a letter to myself ten years back?
Dear Dun Ping,
You might not know me but I certainly do know you despite forgetting what you kinda were like. :/ Yes, I am you from the future.
I'm guessing you're a little nervous about your PSLE now are you not? Nah you probably aren't. I know you aren't the kind to heed advices because you're a playful little punk but if you really wanna take your own advice from someone who is essentially you, stop playing so much Neopets and treat your niece and nephews better! Show them some love! Ten years from now despite still seeing them from time to time you guys will be almost nothing but "Hi-bye family members". So treasure your time with them while you can and stop being mean okay? Although I know you've been really filial never forget to tell dad and mum you love them whenever you can okay? Dad's been having a little pain in the back lately but that's no cause of concern for you. If possible please get a higher result than you can for your PSLE, oh and Sean isn't really your friend.
Dun, secondary school is not going to be a breeze for you. It is scary to move into an almost foreign enviroment and I guarantee that you'll face challenges along the way and it kinda sucks. But I know for a fact that these challenges will help shape you into a mature young lad as time passes. You'll learn to treasure the friends around you more and you'll learn to eventually fend for yourself. There are going to be friends you make that you'll never even expect! All in all your adventure in secondary school won't be smooth-sailing at all but definately memorable! All the best lad! By the way it's perfectly natural to start growing hair on certain parts and that's normal! You're still far from becoming a man though! Even I am still working on that 10 years from now.
Little Dun, when the time comes for people to permanently leave your life don't take it too hard. After all only god has power over life and death. What you can however control is what kind of person you want to become through this short period of time on earth. Be strong and be there for people who need you. Be the strength that your community needs when you are called upon, but remember, don't you ever ever dare to get cocky when you've managed to gain respect from the people around you. Cos if you do imma come back in time just to smack that little face of yours :)
The next ten years of your life is gonna be pretty awesome in a funny way! You'll face obstacles you've never faced, make friends you'll never expect to make, feel happiness you've never imagined possible, and tragically you'll feel really sorrowful at times too. You'll learn to love, learn the meaning of regret, learn to cherish the things around you be it big or small, learn to hold your tongue when it's inappropriate, learn to decipher a person's intentions in the quickest way possible, learn how to deal with different foes and situations, learn what it's like to have an obsession and learn how that could harm you if you lose yourself. You'll immerse yourself in lots and lots of fun at a point of time only to look back one day and find out that the best times are behind you and it's time to become an adult and apply yourself.
Sigh, this letter is turning a little eh? Well don't be afraid! Most of the time it's really really fun! And time you've enjoyed wasting is not time wasted after all no? :) So no regrets on that because you've definately enjoyed yourself more than 80% of the students in your polytechnic! And yes you'll be going to a polytechnic unless you buck up now and end up in a JC :)
But at the end of the day, do remember this. You are your own man. Be strong Dun Ping, always smile and stay away from cigarettes if you can alright? I love you. So learn to love yourself as well.
-ADP from the future
Yes this is what you'll sorta look like 10 years from now don't worry you look better than what you see in this picture alright? Being photogenic just isn't one of your traits so deal with it :/ Geez my hair sucks.. |