Wednesday, April 27, 2016

1st day of my holiday

So on the first day og my holiday (today). I actally managed to wake up at 9am. Oh my god waking up at 9am in the weekday is a really weird thing when you don't have plans at all.. Shall wait for yingchuan and Justin to be awake and maybe do something hahaha!

Yesterday was pretty eventful I'd say? I realize I can't win every battle. And sometimes it's best to let things rest in order to have a peaceful ending. So weird right? I've always thought that I could fight against everything that I feel that is unjust but it isn't the case anymore. Sometimes it's better to take a step back and reflect on whether you've been too selfish. I guess the main aim is to not lose track on what matters to you the most haha. Kinda cryptic maybe? I know.

Thanks for being there for me even when it's inconvenient for you. I'll work harder to become someone worthy of your efforts ;)

Thursday, April 21, 2016

2 down 2 to go

Yesss I'm finally left with marcomm and market research papers! Still kinda nervous though hope I can pass my SQ and law..

Girlfriend has been coming over a lot recently. Which is pretty nice uh provided we can find the mood to study when we are with each other hahaha. Thank god for my irregular sleeping patterns at least I have one less distraction in the night (not that I hate being distracted tho hahaha)

Oh fuck my face is rly fat now. God pls gimme strength to exercise after my exams :(

Friday, April 15, 2016

You're sweet.

So girlfriend just left my place five hours ago, and I'm missing her already.

Sigh, I wish I could sleep like a normal human does man.. can't wait for exams to be over so at least when I can't sleep I can always just go binge watch some "office" or other shows that I haven't caught up with in a super long time.. Fuck exams!

Thanks for coming down today love despite me being so annoying and sleeping while you were here.. You're really cool you know? Although today wasn't rly a super productive day but it's okay! Nothing beats having you over! Can't wait for exams to be over so we can spend more quality time together hur hur hur (btw this pic wasn't taken today just saying)