Wednesday, April 27, 2016

1st day of my holiday

So on the first day og my holiday (today). I actally managed to wake up at 9am. Oh my god waking up at 9am in the weekday is a really weird thing when you don't have plans at all.. Shall wait for yingchuan and Justin to be awake and maybe do something hahaha!

Yesterday was pretty eventful I'd say? I realize I can't win every battle. And sometimes it's best to let things rest in order to have a peaceful ending. So weird right? I've always thought that I could fight against everything that I feel that is unjust but it isn't the case anymore. Sometimes it's better to take a step back and reflect on whether you've been too selfish. I guess the main aim is to not lose track on what matters to you the most haha. Kinda cryptic maybe? I know.

Thanks for being there for me even when it's inconvenient for you. I'll work harder to become someone worthy of your efforts ;)

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