Wednesday, August 30, 2017

My dad might be starting work soon

But his job will be on the opposite of the island. Pretty crazy stuff. He says its because he feels that im not really stable at my job yet, which he is kinda correct about uh seeing that so far I still have a timer on my employment. Pretty scary stuff, gonna talk to Miki soon about my job's future soon. Whats the worst that could happen am i right?

Tomorrow will be leaving work early wahaha! Hope i wont be too busy today. Would really hate to do OT this week haha.

In other news, I've finally graduated! Pretty interesting experience really.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Feels like today is gonna be a slow day

Why do mondays feel so slow? Is it perhaps bexause of the fact that I'll only have plans at 1pm later on? Maybe i should make my way over to farrer park now to return my gown. No wait, yes actually that's what I'll do! Maybe mondays will feel a little slower when im back wahaha!

I guess this is working life huh. Will probably be doing this till im 50 :/

Friday, August 25, 2017

Shiokest month so far

Apart from the first week of August, every week so far has been a 4 day work week or shorter. I am so relieved. Surprisingly this month the office retard has been really bugging me a lot. But im so much more chill now than i used to be when i first entered this company. I still wish she'd just fuck off and disappear for good tho.

Work's ending in less than 1.5 hours time! Cant wait to go find my granny later lo hohoho!

Haven't wore a suit in the longest time, wonder when will i ever get the chance to again haha

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Less than an hour till i go home

Time passed pretty fast in the office today even though i had no visitors haha. I guess i have mastered the art of making my office my second home haha. Its kinda thanks to my colleague Salamah too i guess? Like we are on the same track, which really makes life quite convenient.

Probably gonna watch game of thrones season 7 episode 5 later! My tenant say no one major died but i still kinda wanna watch it betore the spoilers flood in.

This cutiepie wont be home so early today anyway. Hope i won't be too sleepy for some overwatch when shes home!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

I'm glad i unpacked yesterday

Puked the moment i woke up today, must've eaten something wrong at the prata house. I am suddenly busy the moment i touched down in Singapore. Gotta write some essay, make a ton of calls at work, and do some reterence checks urghhh..

I wanna quickly go home and just play overwatch with my girlfriend man.. So glad shes willing to help me out a little with my chores! Never looked forward to work ending so much today haha but at least time is passing relatively quickly today!

Oh yea, and good vibes was good haha

Friday, August 11, 2017

Going to Genting in less than 12 hours

Its finally the day of reckoning for Good Vibes Festival!! I think i got hyped up too early for this and now im pretty nonchalant bout the whole thing hahah. To be honest i don't know what to expect from this trip. But I hope we can all return safely haha! (Heard too many horror stories of coach drivers sleepin on the wheel and falling asleep.)

Shermane should be on her way over to my house soon! My most pressing concern now is hoping that I'll be able to successfully fall asleep on the coach bus later hahaha!

Oh, and i hope my parents will have a great time there too! 

Thursday, August 10, 2017

The one time my sinus helped me.

This story that im about to share wont be as memorable if i didnt do what I did lol.

So this monday while I was on the commute to work, some young punk/beng decided to suddenly just slam his fat uncouth ass next to me and decided to start eating into my seating space with his legs high up on the chair into my "seat space" and our shoulders touching n shit.

So at this point i had a few options. 1) Kindly ask him to sit properly politely, and hope he won't kick up a fuss. 2) Change seats to find somewhere more comfortable. 3) Bear with his pressence for the rest of the train ride with his leg n hands pushing against mine. Awkward body contact on the train is a real bitch ey? But of course, should i have chosen any of this options, this story today wont not exactly have been blogworthy.

Suddenly inspiration hit me. Being too lazy to speak to a stranger or move so early in the morning and at the same time too uncomfortable to just "bear with it" for the rest of the train ride, so i suddenly had a great plan when I realized my nose has been itching for awhile. Although normally its "not nice" to blow your nose on the public commute when you are near a fellow commuter, it came to me that if i wanted this guy to fuck off without direct confrontation, this was it. And so i did, i took out some tissue from my hand and blew the fek outta my morning sinus infected nose. The rowdy punk got up and changed seat at the next stop, landing himself just as violently on the seat next to a poor commuter.

This tiny incident kinda reminded me of some old phrase i was taught back in primary school about "there are many ways to skin a cat", or something along those lines. I guess sometimes when you're presented with a shitty situation, ingenuity does help hahaha. I guess despite the many approaches i could've chosen, i chose to gross the ah beng out haha. And its good i guess? For had i decided to politely ask him to fuck off, things might've escalated and i might not be able to peacefully go to work.

At the end of the day, we are all responsible for out own actions, sometimes its good to take a step back and think before we do something that might cause regrets later. For the times that you do regret, I guess the only right thing to do is to man up and face the consequences and hope the lesson sticks.

Im finally almost done clearing this set of spam photos from my phone wohoo!!

Monday, August 7, 2017

Bucking Up

Recently i think i have been a little too lax at work. It's time to buck up a little. After all, this week we only have four working days and I'll be on leave next monday as well.

I need to not be too comfortable at work man. Better to pressure yourself a little first before people start putting pressure on ya. Lesson learnt haha

Such a groggy morning today..

Friday, August 4, 2017

Time seems to pass pretty quickly on Fridays

Gonna meet my girlfriend for lunch soon and coming back to assist Salamah with some work stuff afterwards, but prolly by then it'll be almost time for me knock off lo! Can't wait for this week to end so i can enjoy my back-to-back 4 day work week this month hahah. Feeling quite happy now honestly.

Good Vibes is next week too! Hope my mum will be in a better mood by then ba!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

I hate laggy computers

After hearing many stories from different friends of mine, I've come to the conclusion that im faring swimmingly well in the relationships department hahaha. I'm quite glad actually. Really hope everything stays the way they are for a long long time, i really love Shermane.

In the meantime my computer at work is acting up. I really fucking hate lags man. I like my job here but i swear having a laggy af computer that cant even open a fucking excel sheet at times is really pissin me off.

Girlfriend is going clubbing tonight with her colleagues. Hope no one tries to get fresh with her hahaha.