Wednesday, March 14, 2018

I don't wanna grow up

I realized that when you're feeling weak/down, it's often more advisable to just keep shit to yourself rather than rant to your friends and risk losing their respect. I think for a long time now I've been letting myself get lazier and lazier, and that is slowly taking over certain aspects of my life. It's time to buck up man!

Although at the same time I am kinda embracing whatever comes at me in the near future, even if its unemployment. Maybe that might be actually a better outcome than constantly droning without purpose. Maybe this is what life is, purposeless unless you make something out of it.

Don't wna let my parents down although at the same time I feel slightly annoyed whenever they ask me about my employment progress. Because I know most of the time my interviews are going to fail and there's rly no point updating unless I actually secure the job.

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