Friday, July 3, 2009

Tp got swine flu

Like got four cases in business school and dont know how many cases in design school already?

Why isnt the school doing anything sia? Must it wait till it spreads to a few hundred innocent students before it starts taking actions? Or is it trying to cover up the fact that it has swine flu to protect the school's name? Is the school's name more important that the student's welfare? Its already lke perhaps more that 5 cases, and maybe more I dont know. What the hell is the school doing?

Haha I remember Temasek polytechnic was really not that great in managing stuff back in those days, be it reacting to an epidemic to training their staff to having some form of courtesy to whom they speak with. Ah well, met great friends there though! Hope their management has really improved since then! T-minus 7 hours to my macro exam. Wish me luck! :D (ADP, 26/10/15, 02:36am)

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