Monday, July 20, 2009

var something:Number=int(Math.random()*10)+1

Lol pardon the title, was trying to remind myself of my prsp code. Thats the main point of my blogging today also haha! =D

Been damn long since i blogged.. Erm.. life's been good! Got CMSY prsentation coming up and PRSP assignments due, and also WDS project which i havent started.. Ahwells..

ADP is surprised that his status in facebook attracted so many comments within an hour! Whoa.. Shaldnt say any further. =)

Until next time peeps. =)

Dun from the future here! And yes that's my mum. Wow can't believe I had the guts to speak in 3rd person last time that's pretty gross! Thinking back, it's been a long time since I was in poly huh! Those days were pretty fun man hahaha. Oh well time to move forward! 2nd year of my rmit is starting in less than a months time! (8/12/2015 11:17am)

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