Sunday, October 4, 2009

Take me to your candy shop. =D

Okay just thought i'd update my blog a little, today's post is gonna be a short one though..

15 more days till end of holidays. Crap. -.-
24 more days to One year anni! =D

Going out with Val and ben to FarEast later. =)) Wonder if more people's going to join in not heh..

Good luck to those people having Os this year! Its not as hard as you guys think la, but still.. do your best man! =D After that we can all go slack again! =))

I should never have cut my hair man.. Kuan..

Dun from the future here! And on the left is my secretary Liang yi. Oh god my face is seriously fat here wtf.. I guess this post was made days before I broke up with Sofia huh.. can't remember what me, Ben and Val were doing at FarEast back then but I haven't seen Benjamin tan for ages Omg. Os definately wasn't hard but I wish I studied harder still.. then again my life would've been completely different hmm.. It's okay! I'm pretty contented with my life right now anyway :) (Dun, 20/02/2016)

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