Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Hi, I am Beckham!

After the dance, I didn't even want you number back then after you told me you were of a different orientation. I was dismayed, but I thought I'd never see you again after that night. Who would've known that we would hit it off so well afterwards for a short period of time before things went south? What was I thinking? Did i subconciously regard myself as some sort of hero who would help you regain your faith in guys again? Pfft what a chauvinist Dun. I guess I kinda fucked that up as well anyway. I really didnt mean to, but I doubt you'd believe that.

Because the truth of the matter is, although we didnt spend much time together before things went to shit, I was really fond of you despite knowing that I shouldn't. Till today sometimes I think back and wish that things would just have been a little different. You're just so frickin adorable at times I really wanted to fight back the urge to just give you a great big squeeze on the cheek for you just being you.

Even if I could turn back time, I would still do what I did. I just wished that you would've understood why.

I really have a knack for making the people i'm fond of hate me to the core in the shortest time possible. I wonder how I can make a living with this talent.

I guess at the end of the day it just means that I'm still not good enough, time to work on getting stronger again.

Srsly though I need a new effin wallet.

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