Wednesday, February 17, 2016

I am afraid of the unknown.

I've always been the kind of guy that measures if something is worthwhile before I even attempt something, because I don't want to waste my limited time here on earth.

What I'm about to go through from here on out isn't going to be simple at all. In fact, I can imagine that it's going to be pretty frustrating, having to keep my cool and at the same time comfort her and tell her that everything is alright, and tell myself that the way she's treating me now is just cold feet and nothing more serious than that. It's fucking frightening, but hey I'm going to do it anyway, it's not like it's going to kill me or anything and who knows? Even if I fail I might actually learn something. But I don't really wanna think about failing right now. That's right. We are gonna make it through, as long as you're willing :)

I guess I just need reassurance. But if I asked I'll probably come off as demanding. Oh well, they say men learn the fastest thru hard times. Let's see if what happens next will teach me anything at all.

I am very into you. And I want us to be happy together.

I'm pretty exhausted right now. But that isn't going to stop me.

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