Thursday, February 25, 2016

I think I need to pick up the pace a little

So yeah, insomnia caught up with me again. Hopefully it'll be over once I'm done with this post though haha.

So.. I've been slacking off pretty hard today, feel like I should be more productive. Like I should work out or rush my project but instead my day was wasted on the office and dota. Not that it wasn't enjoyable, but I really needa pick up the pace soon man seeing that my schedule is gonna be pretty packed on the upcoming week..

It's the middle of the semester and I still can't seem to find my mojo back.. Well at least I've secured 10% of my marks for both SQ and Law so that's pretty awesome! And me and Sherm's first month is coming up really soon too! Kinda looking forward to it but I don't really know where to bring her yet hmm.. She's pretty cool though, low maintenence girlfriend ftw! :)

Dammit why is the office so frickin addictive? Really hope I don't fall asleep in class tomorrow..

So yeah this is a video from yesterday at ikea. I needa grow up hahaha

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