Friday, May 6, 2016

Day 92

Feels like me and shermane has been together for a really long time but the truth is, it has only been 92 days!

The girl came over today to hang out after I crashed her outing with her church friends. They're pretty nice people! Life has been pretty good ever since holidays started. Money is running a little low though.. shall wait for my agent to go find me my cpf job back again soon.

Even till today, sometimes I'm pretty impressed that I've somehow managed to find such a good girl to get together with, who would've thought the cute girl I met at Eugene's baby shower would turn out to be my girlfriend huh! She's really awesome too!!

Kk I shall not "brag" too much about her here online. Doesn't really feel right if my single friends reads this haha. Till another time!

Yeah I know this pic is really unglamorous and all but hey! It's still you! Love you honey! Thanks for sticking around with this fat jerk hahaha

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