Friday, August 19, 2016

Cowardly thoughts

Everyday, for the past few days I keep reminding myself that "this too shall pass." "I need to overcome this in order to take care of the ones I love." "I am stronger than this."

It's interesting really. How half a semester managed to shatter all the confidence I've garnered so far the moment i set foot into RMIT. Have I lost my steel? Am I too drawn to distractions that I have forgotten what it was like to be under stress?

It is a few hours away from my first test this semester. It's only 15% of one of my modules but somehow I feel inclined to perform well for this one but whenever I start reading my notes, my mind just drifts off to someplace else. Somewhere more comforting, somewhere where I can continue hiding in my little bubble of thoughts. Game of thrones, pokemon go, overwatch.. Cowardly, distraction thoughts and activities appear at every corner when the going gets tough huh.

I have to bear through this. And not only do I have to do it I have to do well. Because there's no room for failure this time, not when I'm on my final lap before I graduate from here.

I can't believe the "phonecall sleep therapy" didn't help me this time around. Someone please save me from my insomnia.  

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