Friday, December 16, 2016

317th day

Today marks the 317th of me and Shermane being together, it's not a special occasion, we didn't even meet today, but I am just surprised that 317 days passed by in the blink of an eye haha.

Im meetibg her and her family tomorrow, and likely going to play mahjong at woodlands afterwards. Omg overnight mahjong at woodlands is frickin crazy I tell ya. I remember leaving Shermane's aunt's condo in the early morning, wanting nothing more than a good bathe and some sleep, it was kinda fun though!

Today is a kinda boring day hahaha.. Having a little regret that I registered for muay thai but am unable to commit :( oh well we learn from mistakes I guess

Can't wait to see these peeps on the 27th!

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