And so, in the wee hours of the night, sgpokemaps decided to lead me to the bungalows near my place, it was an easy job, barely 10 minutes away from my house on an escooter, never did I expect to see something I have never encountered before in my 25 years of living in Chai Chee.
I rode my escooter down a dark alley next to a canel which would eventually lead to where that Lapras would be, it was fairly well lit, but the sound of millions of frogs croaking in the canal tunnels was creeping me out a little. It was so loud that you'd think you're near heavy machinery or something. And that was when I saw in the distance, an old man by the bench; someone whom I would've easily ignored him had he not chose to suddenly bend down and pull up his black fbt shorts.
What. The. Fuck.
I rode past him, chosing to ignore his pressence, sparing him of a world of awkwardness should I stop and confront him. What could I do even if I confront him though? Embarass him some more? Call the cops?
This balding, ordinary looking uncle created so many questions in my for the next one hour. What if I wasn't the one who walked past him but some lonely, scared girl instead? What the fuck was his doing pantsless in the middle of the night on a park bench? Isn't wanking more comfortable in your own goddamn bed? Was he a serial flasher? Should I have called the cops on him or something?
Well, it was indeed an interesting experience to say the least. The world is a huge place, maybe some people get off doing weird shit like that in the middle of the night just to feel that they have some kind of purposeful life or something who knows? I can only pray that that dude was not a serial flasher or something or I'd have missed my chance at behind a vigilante on a escooter haha.
I might be bidding adieu to unemployment soon. Hopefully I can bid adieu to my fat tummy as well haha