Friday, March 10, 2017

Probably too much "cringe" in one post

Chanced upon an image on Instagram that somehow reminded me of a cringey moment back when I was in army urgh. You'd think that when one gets older they'd be doing less cringworthy stuff huh? No, that cringey kid just grows older to become a larger cringey kid. And yet somehow I sometimes find myself judging my friends cringey actions online (ie, Making lame jokes/pseudo-deep quotes in an attempt to impress their online buddies). I guess I'm a hypocrite like that. I'm trying my best to be less cringey everyday though.

In a few hours time marks Shermane's final test for this semester, afterwards I guess it's time to take a breather together with her? Recently while applying for another job I had to show my employer my blog, and whoa, he really schooled me on how to write "properly". I guess I thought too highly of myself. Time to stay even more grounded now.

Am I really feeling so uncertain right now that I kinda miss the "simpler days" back in NS? Tf is wrong with me.

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