Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Tummy butterflies

After screwing up at the interview last Wednesday, I've been having butterflies in my stomach ever since; hoping day after day that they would call me back, and if they do, it is to inform me that I got the job.

Living in uncertainty is indeed a shitty feeling. And I know I don't have to subject myself to this kind of "torture" if I just have an open mind and seek other jobs. Maybe it's me being naive, thinking that if I approach something with sincerity, I would be reciprocated.

But the harsh truth is this. If you do not bring value to the company, or are seen as a liability, your concerns come second. After all, all this is transactional.

I guess at least during uni, there was a clear direction on what actions I have to take. Welcome to adulthood. 

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