Monday, April 24, 2017

I have been waiting at my clinic for the past 2 hours

Time seems to really fly slower when you're waiting for something. And today, I'm not waiting for something particularly exciting nor am I looking forward to it, I am waiting because I have a lump on the back of my jaw and my right foot has swollen randomly three days ago without any itch or pain.

And thus begins my first MC in 2017. It feels really weird. Back when I was in army taking MC was a huge relief for me and i'd be happy to do it. But now, I'm doing it because I have a genuine concern for my health and because Glenn told me that it's best to get these kinda stuff checked out early. I hope my doctor takes me seriously afterwards since I'm his 58th patient of the day.

Oddly enough I can't wait to get to work tomorrow so at least I can feel some sort of "purpose" for the day.

On another note, I kinda wanna earn more so I can support my family in the future, the current income I draw now is okay, but I wanna earn more so I can save more haha!

I guess when I grow older I'll feel less and less inclined to "lepak" huh! So weird..

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