Thursday, April 6, 2017

I need more wisdom

I've finally gotten a job, but now there's a new challenge for me.

How can I help my colleague be more careful in her work and stop leaving errors everywhere? We are on the same project and doing this reflects badly on the both of us. Talking doesn't seem to work, telling the boss to split the workload clearly would make it seem like we are on bad terms, and cleaning up after her is far more tedious than starting from scratch when you have to scrutinise each any every row of data she keys in.

It has only been the fourth day of work and i have already lost count on the number of times I had to tell my colleague to be careful. My patience is fucking thinning and I really would much rather work alone than to work with a time bomb like this. Fuck my life.

Someone please give me the wisdom to wake my colleague up. It's only the 4th day.

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