Thursday, November 30, 2017


I must have fucked up somewhere at work. My boss is being more stringent on me and my timesheet for the past month. But i guess as long as their request is reasonable it's fine.

I guess this is what happens when you dont communicate often with your managers. They get distrustful of you and this often leads to awkward actions being set in place. The weirdest thing is, i aint done nothing wrong although i had so many chances to.

The situation at office is getting awkward man.

Today is officially girlfriend's birthday! Woo!!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Just got a haircut

I wish i could leave my hair longer till taiwan but sadly I had to cut my hair today. Regardless, it's thursday tomorrow!! I guess time really flies huh. I am having mixed feelings for my interview tomorrow. Kinda wanna stay at bugis but at the same time I guess i have to look out for myself. Everyone is too busy to care about my contract right now, so i guess I'll just have to look for another job.

I really am gonna miss this place though.

Tomorrow is the pretty lady's birthday!! Although we celebrated in advance already on monday hahaha.

Thursday, November 23, 2017


Pretty glad its Thursday, and also pretty glad that I'll be going for my ENT appointment next week.

I like coming to work, but recently it feels a little too cumbersome at times. I hope its normal to feel this way. I miss waking up and going to sleep as and when i please. Too bad that wouldn't work cos i wouldn't get paid otherwise.

Such a pity that life isn't a bed of roses eh?

Monday, November 20, 2017

Neck pain after smoking

Recently i seem to be having a lot of ailments. Through the weekends till today, my neck seems to slightly ache/have a burning sensation whenever I smoke. I wonder if its because of my typical sitting/sleeping position or if its truly attributed to smokin. Maybe this can be the motivation i need to cut down though.

I've only had three sticks today so far, i guess thats a good sign? Neck still pretty bothersome though maybe i should just ignore the pain instead of being paranoid.

Btw the elfster secret santa app is totally not user friendly at all. I feel bad for asking shermane to download this crap but oh well.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Another week down

And another week closer to taiwan! Honestly I'm pretty hyped to travel there although im pretty sure 90% of my friends have already been there before.

Currently waiting for new tasks to be assigned to be so today has pretty chill day. Almost too chilled i believe. And hearthstone's quest isn't out yet for another 20 minutes or so. I saw on the forums that you're actually able to reroll your daily quests. I wonder how that works hmm..

Oh yeah! Maggie offered to get me into Qoo10 when my contract ends. The notion of actually putting my degree to use and working at a nearer location is pretty darn tempting. Afterall my office is honestly taking too long to get back to me about converting me to perm or even extending my contracts. Not looking forward to the OTs though. Hope my pay will at least be decent.

Feeling a little pain on the right side of my throat. Probably ate some bad meat at burger kings (bugis street) just now. Can't believe i puked my food out. Should i die in the next few days, please take note of this blogpost.

Hahaha my mum is so cute. I'm glad Shermane and her get along well!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Wow its Thursday already

This week has passed by pretty quickly, and I'm pretty glad it did. Recently spoke to my neighbour on the commute about the how young adults should seize opportunities and exit their comfort zone. And while i agree with that, i somehow feel that what i truly want is to strike a real balance doing what I need vs what I want. While some might view success as maybe "becoming a successful entrepreneur", or "working at a top firm within an industry",i feel like i shouldn't neglect the so-called "smaller things" in life like time with loved ones or even going overseas to explore the world. Those are the things that truly give me meaning I suppose.

Kinda regret cutting my hair too short in batam. I hope it doesn't affect how my afro will turn out :(

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Opening a cold one

For two consecutive weeks I've been having beer during lunchtime. Maybe Melvin was right, i am turning into a yupi.

After seven months, my relationship with my managers is pretty weird. I find myself avoiding eye contact with them at times. I wonder if that's my fault hahaha. I probably shouldn't have associated myself with that retard in the beginning.

So glad Lam is into hearthstone now! Yet another buddy mwahaha!!

Dad's birthday just recently passed. I'm glad everyone is fairly healthy :)

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

I like my job but I think i need a break

Shermane seems to be a little stressed out todah. She's not really the type that likes to have timings to have stuff done as its too much pressure. I guess i was a little like her too back when I was younger. I wonder what changed hmm..

Kinda glad to have visited my grandma last saturday. Her place is pretty awesome hahaha!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Kobolds and Catacombs

I'm so addicted to hearthstone nowadays. Although i know i probably joined the party a little too late, i find myself pretty immersed in the entire game despite having a shitty deck still. (I've been playing for like 3 weeks now?)

Kinda worried that i might not have the time to clear my quests when I'm on my vacation. Maybe the fire in me might be extinguished by then. But who knows right?

It's hj, gena and Cynthia's birthday soon but we still haven't planned shit. I feel pretty bad cos hj has been really good to everyone. She deserves a good birthday man.

Friday, November 3, 2017

My friend has the weirdest friends.

So Mel just invited me for drinking with a conpulsive liar, a gossipmonger, and some other friends. I'm glad he's asking me out but honestly im curious as to why he's unfazed with hanging out with such cancerous people. I wish i could go just so I can put some people in their fucking place. But nah, going home and taking a dump and sleeping early sounds like a way better option.

So, I'm going to the beach tomorrow with this nerd hohoho! Can't wait!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

No rest for the un-weary

The title makes sense right? For those who can't even catch a break when they're swamped daily, who am I to even think about resting when my workload is fairly light?

Getting a little turned off by my office culture though, although most of it is due of my own undoings, i still feel a little sian. :/ Maybe that's why I'm looking forward to taiwan so much even though i don't deserve a break hahaha.

Prolly gonna go have some salted egg chicken with Lam in the next hour, i wonder whats my career gonna be like one year from now hmm..

Dad got a new job recently. Hope he'll be happy there!