Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Im slightly annoyed

Its the second week of work, and I think I'm doing better now although I think one of my colleague is getting annoyed at me. I have so much to catch up on hahaha! Dear god please let me have better skills at what I do.

Damn. Taiwan was fun.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Posting this in the midst of my RT

Girlfriend judged me because I wore my bandana and shades to work. Although the truth really is that I'm doing them out of necessity (my hair is too long and the sun is to bright), I can't deny that I think i do look pretty neat in my bandana la haha! Kinda sad that she rly thinks im trying to pose. :( My plan is to not cut my hair till my reservist is possible since my job now allows me to.

I like my new job, my boss is pretty dope, really wanna get good at what I do soon!!

Looking forward to seeing her tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

New Job!

I managed to get accepted by this advertising firm during an interview on Wednesday, the culture here is pretty different from what I experienced previously. To be honest, I am having a ball of a time so far! But sadly I kinda suck at what I do so for now, but at least there's certain passion so I think I'll be able to improve over time yea? My boss has been good to me too despite my shortcomings, which is actually a lityle stressful on my end cos I really don't wanna let her regret her decision of giving me a chance.

Guess I won't be wearing formal for awhile

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Even if I admit my flaws, i might not be able to change and that's the scary part.

Failed my ippt today, it's not really a big deal but I find myself sitting at a concrete block next to the army camp, contemplating to myself whether am I a person with a weak discipline or am I acting like this because life has been too comfortable for the past 25 years. I am always so impatient and yet at the same time, I do not have the discipline to complete certain important tasks. I guess I will be paying for this failure with additional RTs uh.

I'll be having an interview with UOB tomorrow too, not gonna have too high hopes after so many failed interviews but I'll do my best! Gambatte Dun Ping!!

Might be meeting Ash soon next week to further talk about this video that I might be doing for him hmmmm..

The weak cannot protect anything

These words haunted me for the past few days. I am unsatiafied at the current level that I am at, the first week of unemployment has been a little bit productive, but I feel that I really can do so much more you know? I NEED to be stronger, I want to protect the people around me and take care of them when they need me, but man. I am also impatient af.

But no matter what storms I brave, I know my heart is calmer for I am with you. Thanks for coming into my life Shermane Wong.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

NS portal is so unintuitive (some jargons here and there)

The following post will be a little incoherent as I'm lazy to explain what each term means.

With technology nowadays, how hard is it to update the portal immediately? I'm unable to even amend my sessions when I just missed mine because "I'm supposed to rest one day before each session", I mean come on la, don't lock my booking calendar on something I didn't even attend leh. The guy on the SAF hotline told me to only book RT-IPPT when my "absent" status today has been updated on the NS portal before I can book my next RT-IPPT, which is likely untrue as well as I've did something similar once and the status was automatically updated.

I swear once I'm done with these sessions, I'm never missing my IPPT again next year.

Having issues logging in to adobe now as well. Today is pretty shit.