Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Even if I admit my flaws, i might not be able to change and that's the scary part.

Failed my ippt today, it's not really a big deal but I find myself sitting at a concrete block next to the army camp, contemplating to myself whether am I a person with a weak discipline or am I acting like this because life has been too comfortable for the past 25 years. I am always so impatient and yet at the same time, I do not have the discipline to complete certain important tasks. I guess I will be paying for this failure with additional RTs uh.

I'll be having an interview with UOB tomorrow too, not gonna have too high hopes after so many failed interviews but I'll do my best! Gambatte Dun Ping!!

Might be meeting Ash soon next week to further talk about this video that I might be doing for him hmmmm..

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