Wednesday, April 4, 2018

NS portal is so unintuitive (some jargons here and there)

The following post will be a little incoherent as I'm lazy to explain what each term means.

With technology nowadays, how hard is it to update the portal immediately? I'm unable to even amend my sessions when I just missed mine because "I'm supposed to rest one day before each session", I mean come on la, don't lock my booking calendar on something I didn't even attend leh. The guy on the SAF hotline told me to only book RT-IPPT when my "absent" status today has been updated on the NS portal before I can book my next RT-IPPT, which is likely untrue as well as I've did something similar once and the status was automatically updated.

I swear once I'm done with these sessions, I'm never missing my IPPT again next year.

Having issues logging in to adobe now as well. Today is pretty shit.

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