Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Grabhitch driver stalks my girlfriend.

I swear grabhitch or any other taxi services that can get the users info is fucking creepy.

This happened yesterday, we were playing Overwatch together when a random player suddenly asked "Shermaine?", upon further inquiry it turned out that this player was actually one of my girlfriend's many grabhitch driver. Her Instagram and blizzard account had the same handle, and grabhitch drivers are given only the name and the phone number. of their passengers, there was no way he was supposed to know even either account usernames unless he did some research. When I confronted him if he stalked, his answer was "you mad?" This scum basically admitted to stalking my girlfriend and somehow, my girlfriend got mad at me for calling this creep "disgusting" and hurting his feelings. Because having someone stalk you isn't dangerous enough, it's only dangerous when you offend your stalker.

We had a small fight cos of this creep and also because of other stuff, but I woke up today tired af, and she's prolly still mad at me too sincr we fought. Things will be okay though, I hope.

Omw to work nw to see these peeps. Mum told me that the video i edited was playing on channel 8, that's pretty nice :)

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