Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Babbling about obstacles or something like that lol

I think the youths nowadays face a unique set of obstacles, i wonder if its truly just a "generation thing" or is if this is just what growing up is like.

We face the obstacle of fear for the unknown although we possess knowledge and infomation within the palm of our hands, or the obstacle of articulating our feelings despite the education we receive. Some face the obstacle of wanting to fit in, to conform, while othere have to deal with the obstacle of self identity, whether am I truly different, or too alike everyone else. We try to find things that make us happy in life, but often even after achieving the goals you've set for yourselves, we can seem to be satisfied. Is it because being satisfied equates to mediocrity, and mediocrity murders growth? So which is truly more important? Greed/growth or mediocrity/happiness? (Wtf am i typing lol pardon my babbles.)

Men are conflicting creatures. We want to be special, to be noticed for our own individualism, yet at the same time, we still want a place to belong, we wanna be "normal". The need to be revered by others is so strong in this day and age that everyone is acting so haughtily yet at the same time they are so depressed inside.

But what do i know? I'm just a young adult who's barely made a mark in this world.

P.s. i think my life is honestly alright, but these are just observations that I've gathered from the people around me.

Just gonna post a ton of excess photos here before my phone finally dies

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