Saturday, April 25, 2009

Just remember

I just remembered something! Lol.. random..

That the people serving at the donno what department in charge of handing out ez-link to students has a damn sucky attitude! Its that place above the bookshop, donno what its called, a damn arrogant pair are working there. Sucky customer's service i swear. They think its funny. Lame sense of humour.

When I first asked them for my ezlink card, the man asked me about my box number, I said i didnt know, then that guy went like.. "Oh my god.." and went to pretend to bang his head on the wall, as if like I'm some retard who doesnt understand concepts.. wtf, its not like you told me alot of times I needed to check the box number or what. This guy want to bang then bang harder la, I think hes just trying hard to impress his female colleague or something lor lol.. Oh yeah, if I remember correctly, I think hes kinda old, should old people be acting like idiots, banging their heads on the wall just cos a student told them "I dont know what is my box number."?

And so.. I went outside and check for my number, and I didnt find it there. So i went back in, and then girl was like "You need to take TEN working days for. Mondays to friday~ monday to friday~", while doing some stupid hand gestures, act cute sia wtf, shouldnt people working in offices or counters like this be polite and formal and all? What that lady's doing is super WTF la, damn sucks customers service.. zzz.. Think what, hand me my EzLink card you very big ah? The Interchange people also never tell me anything ah, kpkb so much for what sia.. zzz.. lameass.. I should've gan them on the spot lor.. Donno why didnt.. ARGH! Hope some tp people sees this and then goes and fire those two below-average working attitude workers for good. =) Yup, FOR GOOD. Wan to kaopei and act cute so much, go be lawyers or artistes la, work at tp for what? Why? Too ugly to be artise and too stupid to become a lawyer then come to work at tp and vent on poor students like me ah? Lol.. pathetic lives they lead really.. They do deserve a little bit of our pity ya?

Reminder: Pass YM present.


Yo ADP from the future here, I'm using liangyi's picture today cos Im too lazy to really choose rn haha! Ohh whoaa I have a vague memory of this incident man! That guy is seriously irritating I swear. The girl was pretty fucked too. I guess this is the world we live in huh? Where degenrates find joy in the least but of power they have over others. Hope they're leading bad lives now. Sorry I'm not the forgive-aforgive-forgive -and-forget  kinda guy I ain't that noble (ADP 24/4/2015)

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