Saturday, March 20, 2010

Forever is over

Was just looking back at the messages on my old phone and saw those old messages that she sent to me.. Telling me that I deserve her love and how afraid she was to lose my love.. Looking back now, Im sure you have definately regretted this process.. I realised the one thing that I've always been trying to tell myself I am not.

I'm a rotten bastard.

ADP from the future here! (The pic isn't me tho that's shermane! :D). Anyway yeah as you grow older you realize that sometimes you end up becoming the things that you hate, that you be that hero in every scenario. I guess that's normal isn't it? After all, we are all born sinners and it's natural to have flaws. This blog post was made probably after I broke up with my first girlfriend Sofia. I'm such an asshole back then but I guess feelings can't be forced? Her parents were indeed right, I was too young to take up such a responsibility and now I have to carry the burden of breaking some young girls heart back when I was 17. Hopefully i won't ever make that mistake again and my children will also be better than that! :) (ADP 19/5/16)

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