Thursday, September 23, 2010

I think I am boring her whenever I talk to her :( Drama > ADP


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Been bored and hopped around a few blogs and started thinking to myself. What makes a human love another who isn't related to them by blood so much? I find it puzzling because being a human myself, I have many many bad habits/points. And I am sure everyone has their own vice too. So, what did we do to make another fall in love with us so much that at the end of the day, we had no choice but to hurt them and bring everything to an irreparable state?

It's funny how sometimes we choose the ones we love. They may not be the funniest, richest, best looking ones, sexiest, or the most caring people you met. Heck, they might not even have ANY good points at all! But you just love them somehow.

Puzzling as it may be, I'm heading off to bed now! This is probably another half-awake post I'm making anyway. -.-

Saturday, September 18, 2010

My Dad and me on a bus

One day, me and my dad was on a bus and he was lecturing me about how naughty I am.

Me: So who do I blame then?
Dad: What do you mean?
Me: Like.. You and mum brought me to this world, so it must have been one of your genes that made me this bad right?
Dad: Dont say it like that son, if you meant like we created you so, doesn't that mean that we too deserve the right to abandon you as and when we like?

Yup, my dad owns.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Satisfaction~ Satisfaction~ Satisfaction~

Exams are nearing once again and here I am, blogging by the request of Miss To Yi Rui, not bad ah didnt know there were actually readers here hahaha!

Been studying who day today with Adam, Hui Min, Hou Man, and Yu Ling at the LT, again two couples and I'm alone, its funny how I'm always the lonely single boy whenever I hang out with em, whether I'm attached or not :/

Life's been good to me recently, really, I have awesome friends/bros/sisters, awesome parents, and of course an awesome girl by my side! :D Now all that's left for me is to really buck up my studies and my life would be really perfect. With only the stupid WAD sub paper standing in way. Fuck WAD!

I realised a lot of things throughout this period though, like how fucked-up the world actually is. I wonder is life like this as well in the olden days, I'm guessing it is, it's just hard to imagine. I guess this is all part of growing up, you learn things, good and bad (usually more bad but still..)

Damn I need a drinking session soon.