Friday, September 3, 2010

Satisfaction~ Satisfaction~ Satisfaction~

Exams are nearing once again and here I am, blogging by the request of Miss To Yi Rui, not bad ah didnt know there were actually readers here hahaha!

Been studying who day today with Adam, Hui Min, Hou Man, and Yu Ling at the LT, again two couples and I'm alone, its funny how I'm always the lonely single boy whenever I hang out with em, whether I'm attached or not :/

Life's been good to me recently, really, I have awesome friends/bros/sisters, awesome parents, and of course an awesome girl by my side! :D Now all that's left for me is to really buck up my studies and my life would be really perfect. With only the stupid WAD sub paper standing in way. Fuck WAD!

I realised a lot of things throughout this period though, like how fucked-up the world actually is. I wonder is life like this as well in the olden days, I'm guessing it is, it's just hard to imagine. I guess this is all part of growing up, you learn things, good and bad (usually more bad but still..)

Damn I need a drinking session soon.

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