Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Early book out on Chinese New Years week woo!!

So bored that I'm actually making a blogpost with my phone. Was just told to change into CV, gonna book out anytime now wahaha!! I wonder what I'll do today hmm.. Maybe Rowena will still be at log one and we can meet for a small lepak session? If not maybe ill just cab home with Glen then make an appointment with my artist to see if he'll do a touch up on my leg? Or hopefully liangyi will be free today so we can go jogging! Can't seem to find ppl to mahjong with me today though.. But still I wanna book out!!

Oh yeah can't believe I actually saw Rowena in camp today! Pleasant surprise sia! But didn't manage to take a photo cos I was afraid of being judged by my camp mates lol! Wasted shitz. Let's pray that somehow Glen's dad will miraculously appear today to send us home ba!!

I wanna improve on my vocab, but how? I don't wanna read a dictionary there has to be a better way sigh..

Only 319 days to go, let's go!!

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