Friday, November 13, 2015

Biting off more than I can chew.

Fuck. I have work tomorrow and I'm only left with 4 hours to sleep yet i've been tossing and turning in bed for the past 2 hours. Seriously contemplating if I made the right choice to take up this job.

I really feel that although the enviroment is good and the workload seems alright, this job is really not suitable for someone with such a fucked up body clock like mine.. I don't see why I should be slogging so hard when i don't have to yet and this could more probably be my last year to kick back and relax before I enter the workforce for real.

I think I will tahan through the work tomorrow first before giving my answer on if I should continue. Should I stop now, i'd be considered as someone who easily gives up but on the other hand, why bother putting so much effort on something that you feel isn't worth your while? I'm seriously fucking torn man. My holiday is running out and is this really how I wanna spend it? Will my decision affect shu xiang's quota? I seriously need advice. And I'm pretty sure when shuxiang sees my text tomorrow im probably gonna get fucked again but im kinda ready for that I guess?

As of now my heart is really panning more towards quitting the job. Maybe it'll change tomorrow, maybe it won't. I seriously fucking hate this fucking insomnia man how is it possible that I can be sleepy during work and yet so energetic in the wee hours of the night?

I really hope that whatever choice I decide to make, the people around me will be supportive of me. I don't know when will the next insomnia strike and if my body can take it. Shit, I've seriously bitten off more than I can chew this time. I thought that perhaps if i woke up earlier, i'd be able to sleep earlier as well. Lesson fucking learnt. And to think that i blew so much money on a stupid fucking belt somemore. Good job ADP time to face the fucking music.

Maybe I should pick jobs that start and end at a later timing instead but that's kinda hard right? 

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