Thursday, March 3, 2016

Fat life

So it's nearing 3am and I'm just done with my pizza supper. Shit man I really need to exercise.. My face is a full circle when I smile now fml.

This week and the next is gonna be pretty hectic! Hope I'll have time to study for my commercial law test next tuesday. I really really shouldn't have pokered today. What a stupid move.. God please give me strength to let go of all these vices..

On a side note, me and sherms are gonna celebrate our monthsary this Friday! Guess that's gonna be pretty fun. Can't wait! Accidentally spoiled a surprise for her but I guess it's cool? I'll try to hide any future surprises better then :)

Can't believe I'm still capable of doing retarded stuff like this. Guess the child in me never died huh.

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