Friday, March 25, 2016

Judgement day is coming

Oh man my submissions are coming up and the only project I'm confident in is my SQ.. Today was fairly productive for my project teams tho! Managed to get everyone on the same page for marcomm and I haven't heard any problems for MR yet. I might be able to survive this after all!

In less than 10 hours I'm going to be at punggol for my double date with Melvin. Hope sherms will enjoy herself tomorrow hehe! Pretty excited! Picnic is gonna be awesome!

Recently I realize i've been letting my mouth run loose a little. It's time to man up and stop whining about every single thing mate. The last thing I wna do is to hurt someone who cares about me with my foul mouth.. time to work harder!

Pretty proud of you to give yourself to god. But I'm even prouder of the fact that I somehow managed to get a girl like you hurhur.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Maybe I just have a fucked up body clock.

But it's hard to tell. I hate this lifestyle. I hate lying on my bed for hours and hours browsing my phone or just facing the ceiling before I feel the urge to fall asleep. It's not normal. In fact, it's pretty fucked up.

That feeling where you're too tired to do anything, but too awake to fucking fall asleep is fucking infuriating. And fucked up thoughts just keep running through your mind. Like what if I die young? Will I be able to do well for my tests even though I don't really wanna read through my textbooks? How can I motivate my MR group mates to not be such lazy pieces of shit?

This is fucking infuriating la. Fuck it I'm going to go turn on my com and see what I can do for my Marcomm parts. Fuck this bloody nonsense.

Maybe once I enter the working world for long enough I'd be able to adjust my sleeping patterns back. Or maybe this fucked up lifestyle will just one day kill me instead.

Well at least things aren't as bad as they can be, at least I got you :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Incoming hectic schedule

So somehow I managed to to survive CommLaw without studying much. Which is good I guess? The week has barely begun and I've started my Monday on a fairly shitty note.. Tuesday was fairly decent tho! Sighhh I can't wait for my projects to all be done with so I can finally kick back and relax without anything on the back on my mind :(

Gws honey ily :)

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Fat life

So it's nearing 3am and I'm just done with my pizza supper. Shit man I really need to exercise.. My face is a full circle when I smile now fml.

This week and the next is gonna be pretty hectic! Hope I'll have time to study for my commercial law test next tuesday. I really really shouldn't have pokered today. What a stupid move.. God please give me strength to let go of all these vices..

On a side note, me and sherms are gonna celebrate our monthsary this Friday! Guess that's gonna be pretty fun. Can't wait! Accidentally spoiled a surprise for her but I guess it's cool? I'll try to hide any future surprises better then :)

Can't believe I'm still capable of doing retarded stuff like this. Guess the child in me never died huh.