Monday, March 21, 2016

Maybe I just have a fucked up body clock.

But it's hard to tell. I hate this lifestyle. I hate lying on my bed for hours and hours browsing my phone or just facing the ceiling before I feel the urge to fall asleep. It's not normal. In fact, it's pretty fucked up.

That feeling where you're too tired to do anything, but too awake to fucking fall asleep is fucking infuriating. And fucked up thoughts just keep running through your mind. Like what if I die young? Will I be able to do well for my tests even though I don't really wanna read through my textbooks? How can I motivate my MR group mates to not be such lazy pieces of shit?

This is fucking infuriating la. Fuck it I'm going to go turn on my com and see what I can do for my Marcomm parts. Fuck this bloody nonsense.

Maybe once I enter the working world for long enough I'd be able to adjust my sleeping patterns back. Or maybe this fucked up lifestyle will just one day kill me instead.

Well at least things aren't as bad as they can be, at least I got you :)

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