Thursday, July 13, 2017

Deflecting respobsibility

Deflecting responsibility in the work force seems to be a quintessential skill for all who aspire to live an easy life in the office. For this one particular pig-human, it looks like hes fucking adept at that. To think you were a temp once too, you think its funny or some sort of karma to push all your workload to the temps?

Now, I could probably put this fucknugget in his place by reminding him of his role in what we are doing here and highlighting all his supposed duties. But that would probably start some shit in the office; and shermane is always telling me that i need to learn to let go sometimes. Which is what i will do. Fuck this manpig though.

Girlfriend said that her cheeks are getting fatter. I think its time for a jog on saturday ey.

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