Today is one of those days where I kinda miss the simpler days where I was more "childish". The days where me and my pals would just roam around till the wee hours of the night just doing nothing but boring, childish, stuff. I wonder how everyone is doing. (as in everyone I haven't really stayed in touch with)
Shermane is pretty mad that I'm still smoking despite having a huge-ass ulcer that only got bigger recently since Vesak Day, I guess it's kinda my fault too since I told her that it might be cancer. Well, I'm too afraid to google for any cancer symptoms but I'm not feeling very cancer-ish right now. I really hope all is well. Honestly trying to quit smoking but sometimes it really does get super boring. And my instincts would just allow me to pick up a stick and puff away without any second thoughts. I am a weak-willed man. :(
Maybe tomorrow will be a more interesting day. At least I get to sleep till I'm happy instead of getting awoken by that goddamn alarm clock. Shermane today went to bed mad at me I think? Probably cos of some miscommunication during the Overwatch game we played combined with the fact that I am still smoking. Urgh, I really am in a pinch this time around hahahah. Lets hope she feels more cheerful when she wakes yea? I really do love her very much.
Truth is, there is so many things going through my mind right now but I can't really find the words to say them, theres like a tinge of boredom here, a little bit of sadness here from not being able to cheer my girlfriend up before she goes to sleep, and a little bit of nostalgia that suddenly hits me at 12am. I don't feel like doing anything right now, but at the same time, I feel like doing something. But I don't know what is it.
Mum says im having this sicknesd because of heatiness. I kinda believe her but at the dame time its better to just go to the ENT to buy a peace of my mind.
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