Monday, July 3, 2017

Lack of drive

Hung out with Glenn's parents for supper recently and his dad was encouraging me to go work full time at a govt job as soon as I can, which was the same advise that my colleague Salamah gave me. I didnt feel as compelled to heed their advices this time. And i know its because i currently already have a "job" that i am very comfortable with. The truth is, i really do not have high expectations at this moment for a better job because I am super contented. I can only hope that when my contract ends, they would renew it along with some pay and leave increment of sorts. Or maybe they might convert me to perm too hahaha.

Fuck it, its okay to have a lack of drive now. I'm only 3 months into my job and idgaf about looking for greener pastures yet.

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