Wednesday, January 17, 2018

I want to be an online comic artist

I'm shit at drawing, i don't have the proper equipment or knowledge available to really get started, but damn. I really wanna be an online comic artist.

When I was in primary school, my friend  Hidhir and I would do up tons of comic books just for the sake of it. It was fun as hell, to be able to create your own content and share with others just that little bit of yourself that is ever so private. I guess when I entered secondary school, thats when it all changed. My art teacher was an exceptional bitch and I let her get to me. I truly believed that I have zero artistic talent.

And that is probably still right! But even so, with my shitty artistic talent, I still really love creating comics. So I guess that's what I'll do! By posting such decisions online I'll probably be held responsible if I do not succeed as the days go by.

I love my mother so much, she's always believed in me. I really hope I don't let her down.

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