Monday, February 26, 2018

Our world is full of fake fucks

So apparently my tattoo artist Julian actually stalks my girlfriend on instagram (he likes her pictures although he doesnt follow her). This could be because she was on the "follow" page though. But I'm a little annoyed because he promised he'd check with his colleagues about adopting my cousin's cat but still hasn't replied me yet.

I guess i understand that we all at times need to relax and browse instagram and like pictures of chicks n shit. The thing is you probably know from browsing through Shermane's profile by liking her old af photos that you still haven't gotten back to his boyfriend? Isn't it a little irresponsible that you promised you'd get back to me and then proceed to grey tick the fuck out of me? Maybe its the businessman part of Julian that kicked in, to smile and never say no. (Goddamit i said its ok to reject) To think that I thought you were a cool guy. I guess we are all only human after all.

Don't leave people hanging guys. Its seriously uncool and it shatters any good impression that anyone has of you for real. I know this post looks salty af, but trust me I'm just doing this to kill time cos i dont wanna hearthstone on the commute instead today hahah!

Ok tbh we are all not 100% genuine to people whom we regard to as strangers. But at least pretend well la? Don't say you'll do sth then dont do. Very retarded right?

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