Thursday, December 3, 2015

This is good

I guess I did the right thing after all.. I've always known this was going to happen one way or another, sooner or later. At least it happened on my terms. It's good that it's at least come to a stop now, it is always easier to cut people out when you're annoyed, it leaves you with less time to think about other stuff. This will probably drive you all the way back to him, and that's what you know you've always needed.

Im glad I annoyed you :) I'm sorry this routine ended up like this, and I'm sorry I never got a chance to show you that I did truly care. I really really want it to, but it just really isn't what you want. People might think I'm giving up but no, I'm just letting go, because I'm just not good for you. At least not now. Please take care of yourself okay? :)

Sian la mob manning coming soon.

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