Sunday, May 29, 2016

Trying to figure out the root of my "insomnia"

So I'm having one of those days where I have insomnia till 7am.. Sighh I guess it's normal since I woke at 4pm on Saturday? This blog should rly be renamed to "Dun Ping's insomnia records" or something man.  But seriously, I hope I just really have a bad case of screwed up body clock man.. it's really weird how I just get so energetic in the night and I'm all sleepy in the afternoon. Maybe I should move to a country where it's nighttime in singapore's 4pm.

Maybe my room is haunted. Like sometimes when I close my eyes I hear things in my drawer dropping or something but I normally just ignore it. Maybe that's what's keeping me awake and that's what making me feel like the room is a bit too hot to sleep in even though I have the aircon on.. and how I always have to pee the moment I feel the slightest bit sleepy..

Or maybe it's because I always use my phone before I sleep.. but then again I'm just afraid of rolling around the bed aimlessly therefore I chose to just use my phone a little. But I've heard that it could be a reason for insomnia as well. Ah fuck it. Maybe I'll try not using my phone the next time before I sleep it's too late for that now. But actually this seems like a more plausible theory is it not? Dammit man I just had another sleepy moment but I missed it because I wanna complete this blog first :(

Or maybe I just smoke too much and nicotine causes irregular sleeping hours hahaha. Probably not.

Maybe I should visit a doctor. But then again I don't want to rely on medication to fall asleep at such a young age man.. young being that I have yet to even enter the workforce and I'm alr having this kind of "serious" health problems. Yeah. Hopefully this full month's worth of regular office hours would be able to help me go to sleep at normal timings. Hopefully.

The weird thing is, whenever she comes over I feel really sleep though. Maybe that's because I feel at ease? Or maybe because her presence drives away the "ghosts" that reside in my room? Nonetheless, I'm glad at least she understands and doesn't blame me that I'm sleepy when I'm around though haha. (#nowayang)

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

New laptop!!

Finally bothered to go buy a new laptop after Lazada cancelled it's order on me. It's great so far! But I still can't blackshot on it which is kinda sad :(

Sherms came over early today around 11am to hang out, my old laptop finally retired on us after its charger couldn't charge it at all, but I guess it's a blessing in disguise? We finally got the chance to pimp up my new laptop with all the stickers that we bought months ago :D Two more episodes of the man in the high castle before we have to look for another show to catch tho :/ which is okay I guess since the later episodes were a little draggy.

Shall make use of tomorrow to really play till I song! Sighh everyone is asleep and there's no one to dota now. Playing without lags feels rly good tho!

Also, my jb trip with my SQ group mates is coming up! Hope it's going to be fun too uh :)

Thanks for always sticking around and letter me bully u silly girl <3 p="">

Monday, May 23, 2016

Late night rants again

I always wonder to myself: Ten years from now, when I look back at where I was would I be filled with pride or regret?

Life has been really good lately! Got to meet up with a lot of people during this holiday and spent a lot of quality time with Shermane as well (I even met her sis for the first time today). Although I'm really having a ball, I can't help but feel that if I don't work hard, all these good things will eventually go away without me realizing it.

Guess I'll just seize the day for now and make the most out of everything? (Like how I'm pooping and blogging right now)

I still have so many bad habits. I wanted to exercise more during this holiday but all I've been doing is ordering mcdelivery and bingeing on shows.. Sigh why can't workouts be easy haha. I guess maybe deep down I'm okay with being fat. Because being an out of shape piece of shit does not determine my happiness at all. But then again all these could be excuses hmm..

Okay enough ranting for the night! My com is breaking down and my laptop order from Lazada got cancelled due to some courier errors or something. At this point I just wish they'd quickly refund me my money so I can go purchase my laptop from courts or something.

Till next time!

Still waiting for Melvin to invite me to cycle at mcRitchie. 

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Insomnia really sucks when you have things on the next day

I'm supposed to be sleeping right now but I gotta wake up at 11am tomorrow.. Sigh insomnia rly sucks when there's an alarm set to wake you up I swear..

Anyway my laptop still hasn't arrived yet although it's supposed to arrive on the 17th. Hope it's worth the wait though! Especially when I'm about to start work soon and I won't have much time for it afterwards anyway..

Sometimes I wish I could fall asleep like a regular human being.. sigh why was I stupid enough to wake at 4pm hmm? I'm such a fool..

Wonder how's liangyi doing in the US now. Kinda not looking forward to school or reservice man fuck this :(

Friday, May 6, 2016

Day 92

Feels like me and shermane has been together for a really long time but the truth is, it has only been 92 days!

The girl came over today to hang out after I crashed her outing with her church friends. They're pretty nice people! Life has been pretty good ever since holidays started. Money is running a little low though.. shall wait for my agent to go find me my cpf job back again soon.

Even till today, sometimes I'm pretty impressed that I've somehow managed to find such a good girl to get together with, who would've thought the cute girl I met at Eugene's baby shower would turn out to be my girlfriend huh! She's really awesome too!!

Kk I shall not "brag" too much about her here online. Doesn't really feel right if my single friends reads this haha. Till another time!

Yeah I know this pic is really unglamorous and all but hey! It's still you! Love you honey! Thanks for sticking around with this fat jerk hahaha