Thursday, October 5, 2017

I think im working out with Shaz today

But im not sure, what if he forgets? I guess it'll be good too since i can just go to sleep peacefully tonight haha. Today is probably the sleepiest I've been this week!  I notice that my blog has kinda gotten a little more boring nowadays since I'm doing waaaayyy less reflections. But meh whatever, I'm not a philisopher.

Kinda hungry now since i haven't eaten breakfast or anything since 7pm yesterday. Probably gonna go for another subway feast later with lam mwahah. Or maybe I'll go for kfc? I don't know hmm..

One of my colleague is leaving today too, idk if i should get him a farewell gift yet, feeling kinda lazy to get anything.

Watched kingsmen 2 yesterday with the lady, it was pretty good i'd say haha.

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