Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Weird vivid dream (part 2)

Since it's been more than 24 hours now, I'm pretty sure i forgotten some parts of my dream

Anyway, in the next "scene", me Yun Jia and Melvin were in some sort of weird martial arts uniform in a small outdoor badminton court. I asked Yun Jia where Nicol was, she said that he was practising alone in the toilet because hes supposed to be at work right now and does not want to be noticed. (What?) And so the three of us did some exercises and stuff although i cannot remember for the life of me what exactly were we practising for. Suddenly mel asked me "So are you ready for the fight tomorrow?" It was at that moment i "remembered" that i got challenged to a fight by some huge guy at school (idk which) tomorrow. "Well i dont know, maybe the big guy didn't mean what he said when he wanted to fight me." I replied. Mel laughed at that notion and mocked that I always do things without thinking of the consequences.

Well im too lazy to write the rest already. Its pretty amazing how Im able to rememer so much of my dream though! Some parts feel so real.

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